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Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Nike Women's Marathon for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society

Dear Friends,

It's with great excitement that I tell you I am training to run in the Nike
Women's Marathon for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society as a member of Team In
Training (TNT). The marathon will be in San Francisco, CA, on Sunday, October
21st, 2007.

Team In Training is the world's largest endurance sports training program. The
program provides training to run or walk marathons and half marathons or
participate in triathlons and century (100-mile) bike rides. Since 1988, more
than 300,000 volunteer participants have helped raise more than $700 million.

I'll be training and racing in memory of my nephew, TJ, who lost his battle to
Leukemia in 1999. I am also racing for our honored teammates in Arizona and for
all individuals battling Leukemia and other blood cancers; these people are the
real heroes. To help them, I've committed to raising $3,600, but my true goal is
to more than triple that amount. This is where I need your help.

In return for my dedication to this event, and to all sufferers and survivors
with blood cancers, I'm asking for your support by making a contribution. This
disease will affect over 100,000 lives this year and is the leading cause of
death in children between the ages of 1 and 14.

Absolutely any amount will help... It all adds up! 75% of all monies collected
go directly to research. The remaining 25% pays for LLS operation costs and
putting on the event itself.

Please use the link in this email to donate online quickly and securely. You
will receive a confirmation by email of your donation.

1) Go to my very own personal TNT training page:
Click on "Donate now to help me reach my goal" (upper right side of page)

I plan on meeting my goal by August 31st, 2007; however, I will be accepting
donations until October 31st, 2007. The sooner I meet my fundraising goal, the
better I can focus my energy on preparing for the marathon. I also encourage
you to pass on this letter (or the URL above) to anyone else you feel may be
interested in helping this cause. Whatever amount you can give will help -
every penny counts!

On behalf of The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, thank you very much for your
support. I really appreciate your generosity!

Tina Penman

Address: Tina Penman, 6516 E Riverdale St, Mesa, AZ 85215
Leukemia & Lymphoma Society :
Team In Training:

Penman & Associates supports Team In Training

Tina Penman sent this e-mail to you to let you know about the ActiveGiving
online fundraising tools. You are a personal contact of Tina Penman. All
donations will be processed via ActiveGiving's secure credit card processing

If you wish to be removed from Tina Penman's personal contact list, please
contact Tina directly by replying to this message.

Visit The Active Network's Privacy Policy and User Agreement: if you have any questions.

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