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Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Be - Do - Have / Sue Kent's Success Success Principle

Most people in our society follow a principle in their lives called HAVE-DO-BE. People who follow this principle can be heard saying things like: “If I had more time, I’d take my family on a vacation.”, “If I had more money, I’d start a business of my own.” “If it weren’t for my boss, I’d be making more money.” “If I only had …then, I’d be happy.” “If I only had a nice car, I’d have more sales.” “If I only had parents with money, then I’d be wealthy.”
I heard a statistic recently that 97% of people at age 65 are either dead or broke. Yes…in this land of opportunity many people have less money at retirement than they did at age 20!
Many people are working harder, and longer, and getting further behind. It’s not so much about not knowing how to work hard for something, but more about people make their decisions. If you asked most people what they would like to do if they had more time in their life they say things like wanting to travel, and yet a very small percentage of people even have a passport. 54 Billion dollars was spent on lottery tickets in 2005. Which group of people do you think will be more likely to travel the world? The ones with $60 of lottery tickets or the ones who took action to buy the passport?
All you have to do is search on-line, pick up a newspaper or a magazine and see that there are people becoming millionaires every year, and the numbers are growing each year. 600,000 people entered the ranks of millionaire last year alone. There are about 430,000 US households that have a net worth of 10 million and up. Many of these people did not inherit their fortunes, they are self-made millionaires…you can read the stories all around. What is the difference, the thing that these people have learned and are doing to get these results?
Instead of living by the HAVE-DO-BE principle, they live by BE-DO-HAVE. This principle says that in order for you to HAVE something, you must first take on the role and vision of already having it. For example: If your goal is to be a millionaire then every choice you are given on a daily basis you must ask yourself the question: If I was already a millionaire what would I choose…
BE-DO-Have is about BEING the ideal person you want to be first, DOING what that person would do, Then you will HAVE what that person has.
If you wanted to become a millionaire you might study the lives of other millionaires you admire and strive to implement their qualities in your life. You might even ask yourself in times of indecision what that person would do, and how they would act in your given situation. So when you are faced with a difficult decision where you are not sure if you have the money or time or whatever to take advantage of a situation that will move you forward, simply take the position of already being the millionaire and make your decisions from that vantage point.
It’s really not a difficult concept. Here’s a personal example that might shed some light. I wanted to raise some money for a great cause after watching a young friend go through a harrowing health experience and bone-marrow transplant. I found an organization that I could raise donations with by running a marathon. There was one problem…I was NOT a runner…I hated running, and could barely run ¼ of a mile. How was I ever going to run 26.2 miles? However, my desire to help a good cause and to complete a marathon was very strong and I took the challenge. In order to accomplish this I first had to envision myself as BEing a marathon runner will full confidence and purpose. Over the ensuing 4 months I learned what marathon runners had to do to train for a successful run. I ate what marathon runners ate. I trained on a set schedule that marathon runners follow to build up to a race. I ran EVERY day for a pre-scribed amount of time, for a pre-scribed distance, at a pre-scribed pace. I ran EVERY day…even when I felt I lacked the strength. I associated with other runners who had completed marathons, I learned from them, I did the things they did, I used the running shoes, socks and shorts they used, I trained mentally the way they did, and I BEcame a marathon runner. I told everyone what I was doing. As people saw me BE and DO all these things, they eagerly supported the cause with me both financially and emotionally. Finally, the day of my race came. I finished the entire race and did it very well. I was able to HAVE the joy, thrill, satisfaction, and distinction of being less than 1% of the population that has run a marathon. In fact, I finished 2 marathons and raised over $9000 for leukemia and lymphoma research in the name of my young friend who taught me so much with the valiant way he approached his struggle.
This is how the BE-DO-HAVE principle works. Whether you believe it, or not, you are living either DO-BE-HAVE or BE-DO-HAVE. Which one is it?
In the area of money, it could mean the difference of being dead broke or wealthy for your own retirement at 65. What other differences could it make in your life?
Sue Kent
Phone 661-435-7835

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