Andy Andrews is one of my favorite authors and speakers. An exercise he recommends is to start your day by listing 10 things you are thankful for. I do this frequently and Andy is right. As you actually write down the things in life that you are thankful for, it's impossible to be anxious, worried or sad. Seemingly simple things like life, health, family, home, money, friends, clothing, food, pets,and freedom we often take for granted. If you break those 10 down into more specifics you can see how really blessed you are. Instead of a sense of lack, you now have a sense of prosperity because it is all about gratitude.
The person Andy uses in his book, The Traveler's Gift, to demonstrate the decision to be happy is Anne Frank. As we meet Anne in the annex where her family is hiding from the Nazis, she is excited about the sunshine she can see through a tiny bit of window. She is grateful for the meager food that is brought to her family. She is grateful for the love she experiences in her hideout. So we find ourselves thinking, if Anne Frank can find reasons to be grateful, certainly I can too.
Now let's take this idea of gratitude into the Law of Attraction arena. According to the Law of Attraction, we get more of whatever we give our attention, energy and focus to. So if you are giving your attention, energy and focus to the blessings in your life, you will receive more of these blessings. Isn't that a truly refreshing and uplifting thought?
Right now, write down at least 10 things that your are thankful for in your life. Don't you feel a greater sense of prosperity already? I certainly do every time I do this exercise. Our creator desires to give us good things out of the abundance in creation. You may be looking for better results in some area of your life. By being grateful for opportunities, people, and experiences, I have been able to take my life to a higher level of prosperity than I ever dreamed I could. You can too. Give me a call. Meanwhile, remember that prosperity is all about gratitude.
To Your Greater Prosperity,
Sandra Hayes
To contact Sandra or Ed,
Call 803-364-3918